Crowdfund UC Davis thanks all of the donors who gave to this important project in October. This campaign has closed, but we are grateful for your support!

UC Davis Debate

UC Davis Debate Image
Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
3 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Support Debate at UC Davis

Debate at Davis fosters the development of debate and speaking skills through participation in club meetings, workshops, and competitions! As a club, we aim to encourage and support UC Davis students in their efforts to become well-versed, experienced, and confident public speakers. Additionally, our goal is to foster a safe, welcoming environment for students to learn about debate and interact with peers.

From maintaining interpersonal relationships to your first interview, the ability to comprehensively communicate and engage with one's peers is a highly desired skill. This year, Debate at Davis aims to host workshops with professors and professionals to advise and coach students in relation to debate and public speaking. We also hope to collaborate with other UC debate teams to promote fellowship through competition and discussion.

Not only is Debate at Davis an educational club, it is a source of social interaction and friendship. We enjoy holding socials where members participate in activities like going to the Davis Creamery, organizing study sessions, and going bowling!

Debate is a place to find common ground amongst peers, connect, and communicate. Our goal as a club is to teach, practice, and implement: critical thinking, logistical reasoning, and argumentative strategies, so the funds raised will provide general support to the club. Thank you for supporting Debate club at UC Davis!

Choose a giving level


Debate Prep

Your gift of $10 contributes to materials used in competitive and noncompetitive meetings for honing our debate and speaking skills, like mock tournaments.


In the Spotlight

Your gift of $20 is the perfect contribution to fund the tournament entrance fees for one of our members!


Working Hard

Your gift of $50 supports students participating in debate workshops by funding the cost of materials like handouts and posters.


Debate on the Road

Your gift of $100 contributes to travel fares such as gasoline, car rental, and snacks to keep our debaters well traveled and energized.


Put us on the Map

Your gift of $500 enables debaters to collaborate with and compete against other debate teams across the state! This covers flights and additional travel expenses for members to attend competitions and earn honors for themselves, the club, and UC Davis!

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